IN REVERIE is a Two-Part exhibition curated by Josephine May Bailey and Anna Woodward for Kensington and Chelsea Arts Week.

IN REVERIE: Part 1 is a group show, featuring painting, video and sculpture by Nell Brookfield, Paula Turmina, Olivia Mundy, Salome Wu, Karen Tronel and Kirsty Lackie.

In this exhibition, the artists invite the viewer to explore their dreams, playful illusions and unique perceptions of the world around them, offering a unique glimpse into their creative processes. Given the past year and a half of covid-induced isolation, IN REVERIE: Part 1 aims to propel the viewer through an emotional and enlightening voyage of imagination and freedom.

The exhibition is housed in the vast space of Maxilla Walk Studios in Nottinghill, only 5 minutes from where the Grenfell Disaster took place. Given the importance of the location, and the huge impact the disaster continues to have on the area, 30% of all proceeds from this exhibition will be given to the Grenfell Foundation.

Enquiries or to access the catalogue please email

The Wind Stood Still, Dancing Silently (2020-21), Salome Wu.

Directed by Salome Wu and Elizabeth Anderson. Music by Salome Wu and Patrick James Fitzroy.

To enquire about any of the works in

In Reverie: Part I

please fill in the form below, or email